Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dairy and Acne, what type of protein powder should I take?

I had been taking whey protein powder and drinking lots of milk when i noticed my acne had gotten much worse. I cut out the whey and now I drink about a 750 ml of milk a day. My acne is still not very good and I was wondering if there is a good alternate form of protein that is not bad for the skin? I Weight lift 3-4 times a week and I would like something that could help me build muscle as well.Dairy and Acne, what type of protein powder should I take?
Bro, go with natural proteins chicken, steak, and fish.....and in phat quantitiesDairy and Acne, what type of protein powder should I take?
Depends what exactly in milk you believe is causing your acne; it could of course be totally unrelated and just a coincidence that the acne flared a this time. A great many of us are lactose intolerant (it makes me fart - I'm talking severely) but processed milk products without the lactose for me at least are fine. So I have no problems with Whey. Have you tried mixing your whey powder with water, or how about seeing your doctor for a professional medical opinion on your acne.

Regards building muscle, a good diet with plenty of protein, and a good worthwhile (can't stress that enough) is all you need to build a good amount of muscle.

BTW I'm assuming you are in your late teens.

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