Friday, December 11, 2009

Differering amounts of sebum secretion affects odor?

I hear many black people saying white people smell odd to them.I am not trying to start a racist debate.Many of these people are not trying to be racist but being honest.And I always thought it was because white people have more oils production in their hair and skin.Many black people have less oil production.,Therefore white people might smell different to them and vice versa.I am not saying that white people stink or black people stink.Personally niether groups smell bad to me at all.

Also I was thinking it could also be cause they are strangers.When I first went on a date with my boyfriend he smelled weird to me, like dry skin or something.But now he smells normal to me.Also I had many white friends who hung around me a lot, and they never smelled bad to me, so maybe it has to do with the people being foreign to there senses.or sense of smell.Differering amounts of sebum secretion affects odor?

To be honest I never noticed a unique smell between whites, blacks, or whatever. The only race I noticed a distinct smell of is asians with a lot of them giving off the smell of cabbage to me.Differering amounts of sebum secretion affects odor?
Sure, oil production may have something to do with the way we smell. Infact, I'm sure it does.

But from what I've seen, it's the other way around. White people aren't the ones who smell odd. It's the other ones. With all that **** and glue and crap in their hair. Horse's mess.
I had a japanese guy tell me once that all Americans smell like cheeseburgers. Funny huh?

I'm sure we do have a different smell, but so do blacks honestly. Wet dogs and rutting goats seem to be the closest description. So be it. God made us all smell different and look different.

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