Sunday, December 13, 2009

Do you have any type of acne on your skin or breakouts/whats your skin type?

by acne I don't mean just pimples/zits but blackheads/whiteheads too.Do you have any type of acne on your skin or breakouts/whats your skin type?
I rarely get pimples, my face is dry except my nose, its oily, and my nose is the place where I get little blackheadsDo you have any type of acne on your skin or breakouts/whats your skin type?
im not an acnce person. Im not like COVERED in them. I get like once every week
wel im teenager, what you expect XD
yeah i have some acne
No my skin is pretty smooth...which im glad lol xD
I dont have acne, but i get like pimples (hate that word) every once in a while, but i dont have that good of skin haha. Does that make sense?
well damn. What do you mean then?
I honestly never cared enough about acne, to understand what each kind is, or what type of skin I have.

All I know is that I have a White, non-tanned face.
i get the odd pimple every now and again but otherwise my complexion is quite free of pimple/black heads the lot really

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