Saturday, December 5, 2009

What foods can I eat to decrease the amount of sebum in my skin?

In general, acne sufferers should follow a simple diet of basic, unprocessed foods.

Dark-green or orange vegetables are especially helpful for their beta-carotene, which helps maintain and repair the skin. Eat them raw or lightly cooked to retain their nutrients and fiber.

A quarter cup of ground flaxseeds provides plenty of fiber for proper elimination, as well as helpful essential fatty acids. Take with at least 8 ounces of water.

Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds, are good sources of skin-healthy vitamin E and essential fatty acids.

Quality protein sources are beans, peas, lentils, eggs, and fresh cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines. The latter are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Meat products should be hormone- and antibiotic-free.

Drink a glass of clean water every two waking hours to flush toxins out of the body and to maintain good general health.

If you must use topical or oral antibiotics for acne, be sure to eat some live unsweetened yogurt every day. Antibiotics destroy the “friendly” bacteria in your digestive tract, which are necessary for good health, and yogurt will replace it.

Foods to Avoid

Eliminate junk and processed food, such as chips and nachos, colas, and candy. These products are a large source of toxins in the average diet.

Sugar encourages oil production and provides food for bacteria and yeast. Do not consume foods that contain added sugar. Avoid artificial sugar substitutes like saccharine or aspartame. They have a poisonous effect on the body and also encourage an addiction to sweets.

Adult acne is often an allergic or sensitivity reaction to a certain food or foods. Although any food can conceivably result in an allergic response, by far the most frequent triggers are dairy, wheat, sugar, chocolate, and corn.

Saturated and hydrogenated fats are particularly difficult to digest, and they worsen acne. Stay away from fried foods and solid fats, such as margarine, lard, and vegetable shortening.

An acidic internal environment encourages acne, so avoid alcohol, sugar, chocolate, fried foods, and soda, and limit meat products.

Coffee and other caffeinated products may aggravate skin conditions. If they cause problems for you, cut them out and drink herbal teas instead.

People with carbohydrate sensitivity may notice improvement in their skin by reducing their carbohydrate intake and increasing protein sources. This is because elevated levels of the blood sugar-regulating hormone insulin increases skin inflammation.What foods can I eat to decrease the amount of sebum in my skin?
I would ask this in the Health section. I don't think food is related to oily skin but it's best not to use products that ';dry'; the skin because that just makes the skin produce more.What foods can I eat to decrease the amount of sebum in my skin?
not sure, but it's probably those food rich in fiber. :D

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